Hunayn Ibn Ishaq ou Abū Zayd Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq al-'Ibādī, né à Al-Hira v. 808 et mort à Bagdad en 873, est un médecin, traducteur et enseignant arabe de Bagdad, de religion chrétienne nestorienne, qui a servi neuf califes. Most of the Greek work was translated to Syriac first and then from Syriac into Arabic language. Born to a Nestorian druggist in al-Hira near BabyIon Hunayn ibn-Ishaq followed in the footsteps of his father. Alors que Hunayn traduisait le plus souvent du grec en syriaque, Ishaq traduisait plutôt vers l'arabe, et des avis d'Ibn al-Qifti et d'Ibn Abi Usaybi'a, il parvint pour cette langue à une maîtrise encore supérieure à celle de son père, pourtant réputée. Hunein Ibn Ishak - (809 - 873 or 877) By Fred Aprim It is written that it would be a rearity to find any Arabic translation of the most popular Greek medicine and philosophy publications without discovering that Syriac was the mean through which the translation took place. In time, Hunayn ibn Ishaq became arguably the chief translator of the era, and laid the foundations of Islamic medicine. Hunayn ibn Ishaq al-Ibadi (also Hunain or Hunein) ( Arabic: أبو زيد حنين بن إسحاق العبادي ‎; ʾAbū Zayd Ḥunayn ibn ʾIsḥāq al-ʿIbādī, Latin: Iohannitius, Syriac: ܚܢܝܢ ܒܪ ܐܝܣܚܩ ‎) (809–873) was an influential Nestorian Christian translator, scholar, physician, and scientist. Hunain Ibn Ishaq (809 — 873) foi um escritor, acadêmico, cientista, tradutor e médico siríaco, diretor da Escola de Tradutores de Bagdá.. Falava fluentemente árabe, persa, grego e assírio.

Ishāq ibn Hunain oder Abū Yaʿqūb Isḥāq ibn Ḥunayn (* um 830; † 910) war ein arabischer Übersetzer und Mathematiker des 9. und 10.Jahrhunderts in Bagdad.. Er war Christ und der Sohn des bedeutenden Übersetzers aus dem Griechischen ins Arabische und Arztes Hunain ibn Ishāq, der im Haus der Weisheit (Bagdad) wirkte. Hunayn ibn Ishaq al-Ibadi (809 – 873) was an influential Arab Nestorian Christian translator, scholar, physician, and scientist. In his lifetime, he devoted himself to working on a multitude of writings; both translations and original works. Ne putem da seama cât de apreciat era Ḥunayn ca traducător dintr-o relatare potrivit căreia, în perioada în care s-a aflat în serviciul fiilor lui Mūsā ibn Šākir, el primea lunar 500 de dinari (aproximativ 24000 de dolari), iar califul al-Ma'mūn îi plătea în aur echivalentul greutății operelor traduse. [2] In his lifetime, ibn Ishaq translated 116 works, including Plato’s Timaeus, Aristotle’s Metaphysics, and the Old Testament, into Syriac and Arabic. As maiores contribuições de Hunayn foram na área da oftalmologia.. Visão geral. Hunayn Ibn Ishaq Al-‘Ibadi, Abu Zayd | Complete Dictionary of Scientific Biography COPYRIGHT 2008 Charles Scribner's Sons 22-28 minutes known in the Latin west as Johannitus (b. near Hīra, Iraq, 808;d. Baghdad, Iraq, 873) medicine, philosophy, theology, translation of …

Na era abássida, um novo interesse em conhecer a ciência grega surgiu.

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